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We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.

Build Solid Ground

2018. August 30.

What would you say if cities around the world were sustainable and offered good living conditions for human lives? Now, we can do something together!

Photos related to the news article

Let us introduce you the Solid Ground campaign.The main goal of the campaign, that mobilizes many countries’ organizations, is to realize the 11th sustainble development goal that was determined by the United Nations-sustainable cities and communities- the soonest possible, with the help of mobilizing our society. Our foundation will share crucial informations, challenges with you and also all the possible actions that you can take.

The main applicant is the Habitat for Humanity international organization. The opening event of the project took place in Bratislava from the 15th to the 18th of January, where Balint Hamvas, the executive director of the foundation, and Nikolett Rendes coordinator were also present.

Unfortunetly, in many countries around the world, living conditions are unpredictable which is crucial in the Democratic Republic of Kongo as well. These days, many people are living in fear of eviction. However, for long-term planning or for any habitation facility development, a dependable legal background would be essential in order to protect privat properties.

Habitation laws are especially important in areas that have been besieged by natural disaster, it is in order to provide possibility to people for recovery the soonest from the transition state of uncertain living conditions.

Further challenge is the gender inequality, discrimination against women. Half of the world’s population are women. However, in several countries, government still prohibit women from owning grounds or properties. To convince goverments not to destroy slums in the countries involved, instead, develop them step by step is in the central role of this project.

Currently around one billion people live in slum and this fact makes very important for us to try providing safe living conditions in these areas. In order to overcome the above mentioned challenges we are in need of social collaboration.

Our foundation will take part in the project for the next three years by informing people as widely as possible. During these three years we will host several events and will create publications. Furthermore, we will be present in electronic and printed press as well as will organize school events and more volunteer programs to Africa! 

Watch these videos related to the Build Solid Ground project! #BuildSG