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Vízibility – With Clear Water For the Future Of Congolese Children
befejezett project
In one of the world's most underdeveloped countries, the poverty, the low living and medical standards and the healthcare problems cause bad hygenic circumstances and the lack of clean drinking-water.
In one of the world's most underdeveloped countries, the poverty, the low living and medical standards and the healthcare problems cause bad hygenic circumstances and the lack of clean drinking-water. In accordance with our Hungarian and International objectives, we try to manage these problems in our social- educational center and in the neighbourhood.
We are launching educational programmes concerning sustainable water management and sanitation in our centre of Kinshasa and the surrounding 10 streets.With our new project, we aspire to promote the strategic goals established by Millennium Development Goals and the Hungarian International Development and Cooperation Department of Foreing Affairs.
The aims of the project
- In the short term our aim is to provide access to permanent clean drinking-water and sanitation furthermore to start up the related and relevant education programmes.
- On the long run our comrehensive target is to reduce the poverty to increase the hygienic circumstances and the standards and prestige of our school. In addition to provide quality education and the opportunity of exams for pupils, to find new income resources for the school, to adapt new majors, departments and teacher, together with reforming the people's approach and way of thinking, developing the communal living-standards, the local employment rates and the security in our school.
The activities of the project
Primarly we improve the infrastructure of public utilities (including the development of the current water and electrical systems). Thus we can carry on providing clean drinking water for our centre and the local inhabitants. We are planning on purchasing a well drilling machine which can be a profitable investment for our Centre in the future. Our educational programmes focusing on sanitation are not only ensured in the school, but also in the surrounding areas, since the sanitary and medical problems originating from the lack of hygiene concerns everyone here. Also as part of this project we propose launching an informative campaign in Hungary to change the people's way of thinking.
Our target audiences are
- the direct targets are the employees and students of College Othniel (40 employee + 700 student + 11 orphan = about 750 ppl.)
- the indirect targets: the relatives of the students + people living in the surrounding areas (170 families (7 people average) = 1190 ppl +about 15-20.000 ppl.).
If everything goes well we can reach about 22.000 people through our project in Kinshasa and millions here in Hungary by the campaign!
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Our partner:
Duna Museum
More news in this topic. See the latest concerning this project
Sensational news: we collected 600 000 HUF for our water project
2016. March 09.
Our “Vízibility – With clear water for the future of the children in Congo!” project has been finished. Read and know more, how we reached to offer clean and stable water for more thousand people More information
Water tower is ready
2016. January 04.
We placed a huge water tower on the orphanage’s courtyard, with this construction we would like to permanently ensure the supply of clean drinking water in our institute in Congo. Thanks you for our 168 supporters who have contributed to the implementation of the project with 170 000 HUF donation. Leave a mark, you, too! More information
Clean Water for Africa
2015. November 09.
András Domonyai is about to travel to Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His is to co-ordinate our project called ‘With Clean Water for the Future of Congolese Children’. More information
What a toilet means to 16-year-old Mbete
2015. April 28.
Mbete’s school and community got toilets and safe water for first time. Now, with some of her most basic needs met, she can focus on her education and opportunities for a better life. More information
Water and Birthdays
2015. April 09.
Through, Iyos and her growing family now have access to safe water at home. This means better health and many more happy birthdays for her children. More information