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We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.
Orphanage modernization
2012. November 23.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for Africa and as a result of international cooperation our Foundation purchased the property (the building itself and the surrounding lands) that gives home to 11 orphans, and which we had rented since 2008. This purchase has put an end to an uncertainty of many years and to the fear of eviction.
Now that we are lawful owners of the orphanage, we wish to carry out the improvements designed to serve the long-term well-being of the children living there. The building consists of a big living room, a kitchen and six bedrooms, plus a toilet/bathroom. It is fit to live in, yet present conditions are not acceptable in terms of health and safety of the orphans.
Photos related to the news article

Dear Friends, Sponsors and People Committed to Africa
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for Africa and as a result of international cooperation our Foundation purchased the property (the building itself and the surrounding lands) that gives home to 11 orphans, and which we had rented since 2008. This purchase has put an end to an uncertainty of many years and to the fear of eviction.
Now that we are lawful owners of the orphanage, we wish to carry out the improvements designed to serve the long-term well-being of the children living there. The building consists of a big living room, a kitchen and six bedrooms, plus a toilet/bathroom. It is fit to live in, yet present conditions are not acceptable in terms of health and safety of the orphans.
Our current plans mainly concern as priorities the repairing of the water-block and the roof-structure of the building.
The following words are citations from the accounts of our volunteers stationed in Congo:
„The building itself is quite spacious but it is in poor condition. The roof itself is nothing more than partially defective corrugated slate set on decayed timbers. We often have quite a rainfall in the living room. The floor is hard and cold with cracks and holes... but I must say, that all these here in Congo are considered „normal” and cause far the least tragedy in the house.
The most tragic conditions are in the toilet/bathroom where 11 children are to do their daily washing etc. Volunteers also use this facility, but I prefer not to drink too much so as not to have to go there too often. There is no hand-basin, for example.
The greatest of problems is the lack of water supply. Children bring water in buckets from the school next to us day by day. That is all the water we have for cooking, for washing and for flushing the toilet. In the first phase of renovation we wish to find a way to overcome this difficulty. When we have a water tank with a pump, we’ll be able to start tiling, renovating and partitioning off a bathroom for boys. We regard this improvement as a prerequisite to prevent illnesses and provide for a minimal feeling of comfort to the children.”
(Eszter V.)
„The ravages of time have unfortunately left their mark on this shelter of ours which is badly in need of renovation. Due to high degrees of humidity the wood-structured roofing gets less and less safe every day and it is pretty frightening to see 13-year-old Majolie learning how to sew under a dangerously decayed timber of the house. The house is spacious and airy and we usually enjoy the smell of some fresh-cooked meal. Mama Leontine and Mama Valerie take good care of the children, and while this is so, the collapse of a bunk bed is to be considered as a minor event ... you don’t have to worry, nobody has been hurt...
(Balázs H.)
There is a desperate need for continuous and comprehensive development work to be done. We calculated that with $13,395 worth of renovation we could provide optimum conditions and a decent home for the orphans.
The costs of a water-block: US$ 4958
Repair work on the roofing: US$ 8437
We need all the support we can have because without us these children might very well be sunk in the misery of Africa. Any contribution is welcome, and all your financial support is spent directly on the welfare of the children in our orphanage.
OTP BANK: 1171 3005 2037 8846 0000 0000
EURO Account : 1176 3134 1318 7886 0000 0000
IBAN: HU77 1176 3134 1318 7886 0000 0000
USD Account: 11763134-13187013
We guarantee all our contributors to be kept in touch in all matters concerning our treatment of the contributions collected.
See attached the budget to improve conditions in the orphanage. Should any questions arise, we are ready to answer them.
Thank you for your compassion and support, best regards.
France Mutombo
Chairman of Foundation for Africa