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Aid transports

Our organization carries out humanitarian aid activity through regular events. Distributing food, clothing, gifts and medicine in cities and villages is done on a regular basis by our Foundation. These events come into being with the help of our supporters, partner organizations and other foundations. The donations (gifts, stationary, textbooks and other useful objects) collected in Hungary are delievered and distributed by us in the instituions supported by the Foundation and at other venues.

In 2005 2,5 tons of contraceptives (birth pill) (Postinor) was delieverd as a gift from the pharmaceutical company Richter Gedeon Ltd. The Postinor project was aimed at giving prompt protection for sexually harrassed and raped women against unwanted pregnancy. We carried out the Postiner project together with UNDP (United Nations Development Program). The 350.000 boxes of medicines were distributed in nine countries (eg.: Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic and Brazaville Congo.)
There were further aid delieveries: stationary, gifts, clothing, medicine, bandage and distribution in 2002, 2004, 2005 thanks to oure supporters.
In 2007 distribution of clothing in Ambo, Ethiopia for the children of the orphanage.