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The home of eleven orphans is at risk presently
befejezett project

Let us do together to save the home of the orphans
Let us do together to save the home of the orphans
La Providence Orphanage is one of the featured institutions of Foundation for Africa since 2008.
Our main priority goal is the development of living conditions in La Providence Orphanage.
La Providence Orphanage celebrated its 2nd birthday this September. Our eleven little orphans have already adapted themselves, they have grown accustomed to each other and they altered the orphanage to their own home. Their common life started among modest circumstances; however, we have been continually developing their environment – due to our supporters.
We do not plan to admit more children apart from our eleven orphans until our improvements will not have realized. (See the projects below.)
However, after long analysis we came to the conclusion that there is no reason to rerun the building of the orphanage, until it is not owned by the Foundation. The rent fee of the currently leased property is not sustaineable on the long term. For example we recieved a call to leave the building. After negotiation, we realized that they wanted to increase the rent fee without reason. All improvement in the state and condition of the building done by us increases the value of the house and encourages the owner to raise the rent fee. Therefore it is important to join forces to enable the Foundation to turn the building of the Orphanage in to its own property by buying it. The continuous increase of monthly rent fee, the stop on developments and enhancements can not be allowed to continue. At the moment eleven orphans’ home is at risk. We would like to draw the attention of our hungarian and foreign supporters to act together to save the orphanage. We have a promise from one of our supporters that if we buy the plot of the orphanage he is going to rebuild the whole building. We thank for all offering on behalf of children.
The description below gives a comprehensive picture about the budget and details of the project.
1. Purchase, renovate or rebuild the building of present-day orphanage (urgent)
Building plot with a house (the area of the plot: 1290 m2, the area of the house: 220 m2) |
40.000 USD |
Building renovate for hygiene, easy cleaning and dust free surroundings Note: In the case of reconstruction the indicated amount can be devoted for the fees and equipment |
15.000 USD |
Total: |
55.000 USD |
Description and justification:
As a basys for the whole the development project it is requirement for the Foundation to own the building of the Orphanage, since the improved conditions need loads of renovation and reconstructional work, which we can not complete while renting the property, because the owner is not willing to refund our investments.
The building now is a rental and costs approx. 200$ a month for the Foundation constantly– in fact wasted money.
Though this we already spent more than 5000$ on renovational works while the owner is not refunding it but the worst thing is that if we want to buy the property, these improvements are increasin the price higher than it would be normally. Some householders in the DR Congo force renters out of the house to rent it out for an increased price to someone else. This unfair approach became quite common in the country and is a risk factor for the children and for the institution itself aswell.
Considering all these facts, we came to the conclusion, that the purchase and development of the building is the most valuable, reasonable and effective way for us on long term.
An additional advantage would be in that case that through the development we could establish a room for our volunteers and as well for visitors. With the support of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) we would be able to create a vegetable garden around the house that would ensure food security for the orphans. In addition, we would be able to increase the number of children living in the Orphanage.
A good example could be the running water, since now we are using the pump-well in the school, which is in circa 100m distance from the Orphanage. Children need to carry heavy buckets with water, and do lots of work to keep clean these, while the continous fill in and out of the water and the cleaning could be the source for hygienical threats. This results in lower usage of water, which means increased hygienical and health risks.
We hope that the above description gave a comprehensive picture about the project. For more and detailed information please contact our colleagues.
If you like to support the purchase and development of the orphanage, please transfer your offering to the following bank account: Foundation for Africa IBAN: HU77 1176 3134 1318 7013 0000 0000; Swift code: OTPVHUHB. Please indicate into the “Note” column: “Purchase of the Orphanage”
Thank you in advance!
France Mutombo
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Orphanage modernization
2012. November 23.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for Africa and as a result of international cooperation our Foundation purchased the property (the building itself and the surrounding lands) that gives home to 11 orphans, and which we had rented since 2008. This purchase has put an end to an uncertainty of many years and to the fear of... More information
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