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All children should read! – send a book to Africa
tervezett project

According to UNESCO, in 2011, more than 10 million people weren’t able to read or write. In Congo, where only 4 children out of 10 goes to school
According to UNESCO, in 2011, more than 10 million people weren’t able to read or write. In Congo, where only 4 children out of 4 goes to school, this is quite a reasonable data.
It is our privilege that thanks to our workers and supporters, each year we can protect 500 students from being analphabetic at College Othniel. However, we believe to enhance our level of education, we need to raise the bar for our children too, to develop their brain activity, broaden their views, we need to make them read. Our previous experiences shows that, the children in Africa really appreciate the joy of being able to read, they appreciate every single page, but unfortunately they can’t afford to buy their own books. Therefore, it leaves no choice to our teachers, but make the children know the book by heart, which, as we probably know, not an effective tool to achieve our goals and really broaden their views and make them able to think on their own.
Until this September, we would like to buy as many books as possible to give them away to our students in Congo. The first supplement will be received by our students at College Othniel, but as soon as we receive more charities than expected, we would like to materialize our long awaited dream, and set up a small library at school.
How can you help on the children, who are living 8000 kilometers away from you?
1, Transfer 3000 HUF to our bank account, marking “for books”
2, To the “Comment” section write “books”, and a name you wish to see inside the book.
3 We will write Your name in the book, and a photo will be taken of it, and sent directly to you
4 The project with start in September as soon as our volunteers arrive, they will monitor the process.
Support possibilities
At College Othniel, which is our 12 class school in Congo, nearly 500 students are studying each year. Amongst these students, you many find some of them on our website, who you can support by 2500HUF each month, and this way you become a virtual host parent. This amount of money enables the child to stand out from his current situation and receive a proper education, because he has no other choice, as their parents can’t afford his/her schooling, and the state offers no support for the students. We are happy to announce, that 100% of our students have passed they state accredited final exams, which is an outstanding result in Kinshasha. Please contribute, so more students will be educated!
We would like to draw Your attention to the need of some habitats of our La Province Orphanage, and also to other projects that need to be supported. As you all know, the financing of the children is done exclusively by our Foundation, and it is important for us, that the children receive the highest available education. That’s what we need for your help, if you have any relative, friend, or colleague, who would love to help on the African orphans, please forward him this message. We would like to once again thank to all the support and effort throughout the past years!
More news in this topic. See the latest concerning this project
All children should read! – send a book to Africa
2012. July 11.
According to UNESCO, in 2011, more than 10 million people weren’t able to read or write. In Congo, More information
Send a school uniform to Kinshasa!
2012. July 11.
Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasha, Ngaliema Township: That is where both of your institutions are situated, what is wholly owned and maintained by our Foundation with no state support. More information