Africa makes a different impression on everyone. Not even two persons can tell the same way what they have seen. Through our diary you can see how this magnifique country influenced the tourists with its unique culture and beautiful landscapes. The humanitarian tourists will share their experiences, their thoughts and feeilings just like the colleagues of the Foundation for Africa who have been working here since longer period.
Distributing meal for the camp’s children
2009. June 12.
Since I have arrived at the camp, I have been wondering how it is possible to solve the problem of the feeding of the children. Romain had really made me a bit scared when he revealed that nearly 3000 children were living in the camp. It was clear that it was going to be a very difficult task to give food to all of them. What usually happens is that when people overhear that food will be distributed somewhere, they all stream there, making the coordination extremely difficult. And of course, the other hard task is to leave out someone and not to give food equally to all. I already started to give up finding any solution for this problem… According to Romain, strict criteria should be established, by the help of which one can filter out the ineligible claimants. These criteria are, however, not easy to find…
This morning we met some teachers on our way to the camp. We asked them whether the children were provided with any food. The answer was yes, but they added that the children were going to get the last portion that day. Namely, NRC had declared that they would be able to provide food only from September again, even if the school year lasts until the 22nd of August (the tuition is organized irregularly under the camp conditions).
The daily food portion is 100 grams corn flour and 40 grams lentil or kidney per child. This per head ration continuously decreases as the number of children increases. Luckily, the logistical background is mostly secured for the food aid shipments, therefore, following negotiations with NRC, the Foundation for Africa decided to take over the project task of child feeding from Reaching Heart for Kids, its American partner organisation. We will distribute the donations collected in Hungary up until we have them in stock. Thus, at least, the Foundation can save more lives! I immediately sent Greuze and some of the women to the market to buy some grocery and vegetables. One cannot hesitate for too long, as it may be human lives that depend on the lost minutes. Then I started to cook and later also participated in handing out the portions. We prepared “fufu” and yellow pea. After worshipping, the children were heartily eating the delicious food….
To be continued soon.
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